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It was happening again. No matter how hard I tried to avoid it, change it, deter the circumstances from occurring,…
As part of this year's emphasis on personal and family home study of the Savior's life, this week's lesson stems…
Behold! Oh ye married people, this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip inside the mind of your single and midsingle friends! While…
Recently I had the opportunity to participate in a charity masquerade dance/event to raise money for a young boy suffering…
After gathering up questions from social media outlets, we sat down with him to get answers about bobsled and his…
While siting in a seminar recently that delightfully I was able to just listen to instead of speaking at the…
Several years ago a dear friend, Jonelle, surprised me with an autographed print of Greg Olsen's "O Jerusalem" painting. This…
Heaven gained another angel on October 13, 2016 at 11:04pm, Eastern Standard Time. Please consider reading his official obituary here,…