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Last Sunday while teaching my Sunday School class to ten amazing 16-17 year old teens, we discussed the importance of…
Several years ago my friends and I enjoyed an unforgettable 7-day cruise down to the Mexican Riviera. While not my…
Last week on my Facebook we played the well-known game known as "2 Truths and a Lie". The object of…
Someday “Just friends” Will be “Best Friends” Someday “I think highly of you” Will be “I can’t stop thinking about…
// As an American bobsled competitor and returned missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, beloved speaker…
Over the past few our hearts have been saddened by the tragic loss of Robin Williams, an incredibly strong and…
This past Saturday, October 5, I had the opportunity to attend an anti-bullying event held in Salt Lake City, Utah.…
Having written two books now with a third on it's way, I am intimately familiar with that wonderful demon of…