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Friday, 28 April 2017 15:27

The Dating Games

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Dear LDS Midsingle Competitors:

You are hereby officially invited to attend this year's Dating Games being held right in your own city! These exciting events will challenge your intellect, patience, inner strength, determination, motivation, and perhaps your very sanity. But, I can promise you that if you hold true and faithful to your core values, focus on your goals and keep moving towards the finish line and exercise all the faculties within your possession that the prize at the end of this "race" is more than worth it. 

Along the way you will meet your fellow competitors on the field of play. Many of these individuals have given their best in life and found themselves here at the same station you are in; be patient with them, and remember that they are human beings who come to the table with flaws and strengths, courage and fears, love and pains. That said, we remind all competitors that cheating, unsportsmanlike conduct, and unnecessary roughness of any type will not be tolerated. Indeed, those who attend these Games merely to play for their own amusement at the expense of others will find themselves answering to the highest authority, our chief judge.

Now, that said, remember that these Games are meant to be fun and productive; don't overthink them or place all your value in their outcome. You were meant for wonderful things in this life and your participation in these events are just a piece of that journey. While we all dream of wearing those special rings, know that your day in the sun will come and that all the glory you have worked for all these years will be yours.

In order to make these Games a little easier on us all, we advise competitors to consider the following Dating Games Team Uniform Suggestions, based off the colors of the Olympic flag itself:

1. GREEN - Competitors who wear the color green at events will be part of the "Green, go! I am looking for someone to date and marry" team. These competitors are actively looking to take their level of play to the next level and are dedicated in their efforts. They are constantly laboring to improve their performance so that they might one day stand in that honored sphere of celebration with their perfect teammate.

2. RED - Competitors who wear the color red at events are part of the "Red, stop! I am taking a dating break right now" team. These competitors are, for personal reasons that only they and their head coach fully understand, have decided to step away from the field of competition to perhaps rehabilitate some inner injury or to take a breather from the rigors of these Games. See: red-shirts

3. BLACK - Competitors who wear the color black at events are members of the "Black, I am in mourning" team. These competitors have our fullest sympathies as their desire to play at this time has been dampened by the loss of a relationship or some other close disappointment. These warriors are to be fully supported as they move forward at their own pace and when the time is right they will be welcomed back to the field of competition at the Dating Games with open arms. 

4. BLUE - Competitors who wear the color blue at events are members of the "Blue, social only! I am just here for the food" team. These competitors are often those who welcome all who come to the field with smiles, hugs and uplifting words. While they are not officially in the Red Team category, social competitors have elected to support our events and all those who are on the field of play who seek to achieve an official outcome. They often serve the most, reach out to those around them and are the bedrock of our activities and programs.

5. YELLOW - Competitors who wear the color yellow at events are members of the "Players/Cafe Rio Girls ('just here for the free meal')" team. While we cannot bar any from playing the field, yellow players are in measures those who complicate the Dating Games the most. They may appear to play for the Green or even Blue Teams, but underneath it all they are out for gratification instead of lasting satisfaction. We recommend caution and sound judgement when you are confronted by a competitor who sends of a Yellow Team vibe as they will most likely delay your victory at the finish line.

Regardless of which team you are currently playing for (well, perhaps not the yellows), we wish you all the best of luck as you seek to reach your full potential and just know that retirement from the Dating Games is the highest honor that we can all strive for. While we should all bring our best selves to the table as we play in the Dating Games, our greatest legacy will be won when we leave this level of play behind and move on to the next one.

TINELLA KALLINIKE! ("Well done, thou glorious victor")

Jeremy C. Holm

Jeremy C. Holm

Author & American athlete Jeremy C. Holm has spent over half his life in the fast-paced winter sport of bobsled, including as the Head Coach for the US Adaptive Bobsled Team. He has a degree in Journalism and is pursuing a degree in Military History at the American Military University. In addition to motivational speaking and corporate appearances around the world, Jeremy is the author of three books and spends his time camping, hiking, writing and trying to make history, one day at a time.

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